Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bad News....

Oh my gosh... When i heard from my direct boss as she slowly tries her very best to describe the situation where my big boss is intending to do with our departments working schedule.

He intends to reshuffle our reporting times to work and that will include working on weekends and public holidays. I immediately protested to this proposal. My direct boss and i were equally frustrated and felt that this company which we are working are killing us and slowly like a vampire draining our blood and soul away from us. Already, we have worked like the whole month of AUGUST07's weekends trying to build up the sales as much as possible. And now this....

The reason being why my big boss has such a idea in mind was that the counter staff were unable to close those big groups whom comes by to check on the pricing and as such we lose out to our competitors, whom are more proactive and would have easily closed off this particular sale. Hence, he has come out of this idea with us working during the weekends will cut down opportunities snatched away by our competitors.

Both me and my direct boss agrees that the counter staff at times is not strong enough to close certain destination sales but at the most, they should at least take down the numbers and inform the customers that we will get back to them soonest possible. Even if we were to work on weekends, we can't really help much being the fact that the airlines sales representative will be off to enjoy his or her weekends and our land operators will also be doing that. Nobody can or will work 7days a week or 365days a year just to make sure sales won't slip out of their hands. In compensation of the weekends work, we will be compensated 1day off during the weekdays. This is just so stupid, being the fact that the airlines and land operator will be working and we are off, when that is the time which we are needed the most!

Oh gosh, i have prayed to God that my big boss will change this idea of his and have asked the church to pray for me too! I really hate to miss the Sunday worship.

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